month upon a time

I wrote a new song cycle consisting of 12 songs,
each dealing in some way with one month of the year,
starting June 2011 through May 2012,
inspired by ideas from my Twitter followers.*

In advance of the first of the month,
I fielded ideas via Twitter* for that month’s song,
then I chose one idea and wrote, recorded, podcast,
and published the song in that month.


Why did I do this?
I was curious to hear people’s stories and ideas.
I was excited to write some new songs.
I was ready to podcast regularly again.
(And I’d been meaning to figure out how to use that Twitter thing for a while.)
The Jeff Blumenkrantz Songbook Podcast to hear the podcast episodes,
this page to watch some YouTube performances,
and below (or my online Music Store) to purchase the sheet music.

*Those who submitted song ideas for this song cycle agreed to contribute their stories or ideas for the purposes of inspiring a song (or songs), with the knowledge that there would be no compensation for the use of those ideas. Those people whose ideas served as inspiration for one or more songs have been and will always be credited with having provided the inspiration for said song(s) but will never be entitled to any compensation, ownership, copyright, or royalty at any time.