Moving Right Along – sung by Ryan Perry and Jeff Blumenkrantz

Episode #7: So you’ve been wondering why that explicit rating has been hovering over this podcast? Finally! Here it is: one of two songs in the book with dirty words in it! Parents (and prudes), be warned.

Remember last week’s episode with Judy Blazer as the Jewish mother whose son has just come out? Well, this week it’s that son and his best friend at a gay bar. The song is “Moving Right Along” (from the abandoned project Fits and Starts), with music and lyrics by me.

I’m thrilled to be joined by one of my best friends, the super-funny Ryan Perry, who inspired this song in the first place. (Yes, we went to gay bars together. No, we weren’t nearly as horrible as these guys.) Ryan hasn’t been acting and singing much lately (Booooo!), but those of you lucky enough to have caught him in Forever Plaid or Whorehouse Goes Public or the tours of The Full Monty and Floyd Collins will remember how fantastic he is. Recorded 1/15/06.

And I’m happy to report that I have lured him back to the stage to appear in my Birdland concert on February 13th, along with former podcast guests Judy Blazer, Vicki Clark, Rebecca Luker, and Sally Wilfert. Call 212 581-3080 for reservations.